Downsizing in tech companies
There appears to be a downsizing trend in technology companies.
What I see is a great opportunity to showcase that successful companies and products can be built by far smaller teams. Building yet another CRUD API or website does not require 5 different teams consisting of multiple engineers, designers, project managers, business analysts, a janitor, a cook and a masseuse.
Instead, it has been demonstrated that successful products can be built and maintained by a handful of people. Small, tight-knit teams with individuals that understand the fundamentals of developing, operating and maintaining software products.
Recently, a forced experiment demonstrated that working remotely is not only possible but it is also much more efficient and productive. The current downsizing trend will demonstrate that not all companies have to operate as if they are Microsoft or Google.
Constraints force us to focus on efficiency, quality, stability and solving the right problem - all essential for a successful product or business.